
武汉品承koko体育app ||万科·御玺滨江

参考造价:50万元| 的风格:新现代极简风| 位置:三居| 规模:212平够| 浏览器数:269
案例简介 Case description
The world is always changing,
but people are always looking forward to Spaces,
especially those that evolve into homes.
◾️Layout chart | 平面布置

◾️Living&Dining Room | 客餐厅
koko体育app 师运用艺术的手笔,在以深木色与亮白为主基调的空间中,融入暖橙与深咖,提升空间体验。陈设用大理石和皮质共同组合出丰富细腻的肌理层次,串联起人们对于生活的美好想象。客厅采用无主灯koko体育app ,将简约时尚的意式空间美学与含蓄深邃,留有时光痕迹的人文质感相糅合,碰撞出多元而均衡的现代折衷主义新格调。

The designer uses artistic techniques to blend warm orange and deep coffee into the space with dark wood color and bright white as the main tone, combining the simple and fashionable Italian space aesthetics with the subtle and profound humanistic texture with time traces, and striking a diversified and balanced new style of modern eclecticism.
客厅电视墙透过对石材纹路的拿捏与细节切割,为时尚摩登的空间注入温馨优雅的气息。灵活实用的组合茶几与休閒椅一起,营造出围合性和亲密感。电视背景墙将质感的岩板搭配温润的木质温馨中体现着空间的气质,koko体育app 师重新审视空间的功能与价值,采用岩板和柜体的结合,无论是从美学还是实用功能都为业主量身定制了精细的收纳系统。

The background wall of the living room infuses the fashionable and modern space with warm and elegant atmosphere through the pinch and detail cutting of the stone grain.the designer re-examine the function and value of the space, using the combination of rock plate and cabinet, both aesthetic and practical for the owners tailored to the fine storage system.
餐厅不仅是用餐的场所,也是家人交流共处的幸福时光。无论是晨光熹微,还是华灯初上,温暖的橙色餐椅,透过艺术吊灯洒下的灯光,从健康的早餐到丰富的晚餐,都要享受片刻的烹饪时光。作为水吧区,它成为餐区最不可忽视的存在,皮质餐椅将人温柔包裹,koko体育app 师细细铺陈出最美满且动人的就餐环境,让人间烟火气在此肆意弥漫。

The restaurant is not only a place for dining, but also a happy time for family communication and coexistence. No matter in the early morning light, or in the early morning light,stylist fine detail is laid out give the most perfect and moving repast environment, let the world firework gas diffuse wantonly here.
一体化空间koko体育app ,将两个空间区域完美融合,呈现出宽敞的空间尺度感和足够舒适的使用感。在简洁大方的现代简约主义风格上,处处体现主人的个性与品位。整体以硬包和木饰面材质为主,呈现出高品质且有"灵魂"的住宅场所,营造更多的情感享受与精神寄托。高级灰的色调是搭配法则的百搭款,利用软装的跳色调节空间的活泼氛围,极致的收纳空间增加空间的实用性。

Integration of space design, would be a perfect fusion of two dimensional area presents the capacious space scale and the use of comfortable feeling in a concise and easy enough on the modern minimalist style, the lively atmosphere that uses soft outfit jumps color to adjust a space, acme receives a space to increase the practicality of the space.

Only love and cate cannot live up to, dining-room returns C, the coriaceous chair back of Chinese and western hutch is closely connected eat chair, give black and white ash to give priority to tonal guest dining-room brings clever with warmth The kitchen is connected to the dining room by a sliding glass door, and cooking is no longer alone.
现代感是房屋带给koko体育app 最强烈的感受,充满都市艺术氛围的环境简约低调,让每一处细节都经得起足够的赏味。提及极简,总被冠以“空洞、冷淡、克制”之名,而koko体育app 师试图做的则是:摒弃琐碎空间和繁复元素,但丝毫不失真实生活的情境感。淡淡的深灰色系沙发与地毯形成微妙差别,时尚个性的橙单椅色为空间注入活力。

Modern is bring us the most strong feelings of the building, full of urban art atmosphere contracted low-key, but the slightest do not break real life situation Light dark grey sofa and carpet form a subtle difference, fashionable personality orange single chair color to inject vitality into the space.

◾️Master bedroom | 主卧
koko体育app 都需要有一个只属于自己的地方,抛开一切,将外界的繁杂隔绝在外。主卧选取了更明亮淡雅的奶咖色,让卧室有别于家中的其他区域,成为一处私密、温柔、让人放松的空间。纹理细腻而别致的床品织物,给沉稳的配色带来视觉与触觉上的美感变化。主卧承载每日的休憩,与之匹配的衣帽间、梳妆空间以及独立卫生间让这个区域成为相对独立的空间。

We all need to have a place that belongs to ourselves, put aside everything, and isolate the complex and complicated outside world. changes on the main bedroom bearing daily rest, and it matches the cloakroom dressing space and independent toilet so that this area becomes a relatively independent space.

The picture frame of the droplight of bedside the head of a bed, the natural refined that expresses zen meaning life, be full of habitant to the immanent self-restraint of cultural connotation and humanistic spirit is static good, enjoy being surrounded by comfortable and peaceful fragrance, like into a comfortable and carefree embrace.

◾️Kid Room |小孩房
女孩房大方高级的配色与温柔细腻的质感所构建出的时尚调性,带来不一样的俏皮气息,象征孩童纯洁无瑕的生命力,将艺术渗透进生活。浓淡有致的藕粉、温柔干净的纯白,在这个温柔浪漫的童话空间中渐渐铺展整体色调清新延续了柔美的属性。打造舒适的温馨氛围的同时,满足着多样化的koko体育app 布局。

Girl room and advanced color matching and tender texture constructed out of vogue tonal, bring different kind of nifty atmosphere, symbol of the children pure vitality, attributes Create a comfortable warm atmosphere at the same time, to meet the diversified design layout.
采用自然柔和的床品,低调平实的色彩,以及极简的koko体育app 手法传达出空间的灵性与气质,打造出适合居住者的心灵居所。空间软装透露着低调的品质感,或深或浅,静谧自然的氛围如一股清泉般缓缓地流淌其中。“每个孩子的兴趣,都是通往人生巅峰的捷径”,打造属于孩童的自由生长之地。

Using natural soft bed is tasted, the colour of low level, and minimalist design gimmick convey the spirit and temperament of the space, like a fresh spring flows slowly like them Each child's interest, it is a shortcut to the peak of life To create a place for children to grow freely.

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品承空间koko体育app 有限公司

武汉品承空间koko体育app 有限公司是一家专业从事住宅平层、洋房别墅、高级会所、房产样板间的室内koko体育app 、装饰施工以及整体配饰陈设为一体的koko体育app 公司。将“品质是koko体育app 的承诺”作为koko体育app 理念,以专业的koko体育app 水平,独特的个人品味,诚恳的工作态度服务于追求高品质生活空间的客户群体。团队提供室内硬装koko体育app 、软装家具饰品整体koko体育app 等服务。选择品承,将艺术融入到生活 ,体验不一样的私宅定制。


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