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案例简介 Case description
古泰spa及其延伸品牌顾莱(GoodLife)近期有些出圈,这让作为古泰品牌战略合作koko体育app 方的koko体育app 与有荣焉。

用koko体育app 为空间赋能,是黄际豪koko体育app 的初心所在也是矢志不渝的追求,商业空间的“能”自然就体现在能盈利、能发展、能突破。

位于嘉宏振兴大厦的古泰高空spa是该品牌重点打造的高端产品,之前几个案例的成功并没有让koko体育app 团队成竹于胸,反而在koko体育app 过程中如履薄冰。

“古法疗芳”、“泰式风情”、“城市社区型实体经济模型”、“小空间高效经营”、“网红经济”等等都是在之前项目中有过的koko体育app 理念,但随着古泰品牌的迅速发展以及对该商业形态的不断探索和研究,总会有很多新的东西出现在koko体育app 团队的头脑风暴中。

这一次的koko体育app 风格,koko体育app 总结为:“延续 & 创新”。
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Out of the elevator, the faint fragrance came to my face. With the warm light and the simple and elegant sound echoing in my ears, the impetuous mood just came from the downtown calmed down in an instant.
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In the high-altitude spa above the clouds, the high-rise French windows introduce the scenery to the greatest extent and extend to the indoor space.

Among them, you can see the prosperity of the city and the beautiful scenery of Huangqi mountain. The colorful lights, busy traffic and the quiet and elegant inside set off each other, and the unique space resources have become the biggest highlight of the project.
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接待大堂的koko体育app 上,整体的色调上延续了以往古泰项目的风格,轻重结合、张弛有度,把提炼自泰式建筑和泰国知名地标的元素融入细节里,与此同时,koko体育app 利用空间得天独厚的资源实现了创新,接待区通过下沉的结构延伸了层高,更具舒适感和别样体验。

In terms of the design of the reception lobby, the overall tone continues the style of the previous gutai project, with a combination of weight and relaxation, and integrates the elements extracted from Thai architecture and Thailand's famous landmarks into the details. At the same time, we use the unique resources of space to realize innovation. The reception area extends the floor height through the sinking structure, which is more comfortable and different experience.
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清迈是泰式古法按摩和spa的宗源,天花的koko体育app 上提取了清迈典型建筑的颜色和类似“塔佩门”红砖的格状结构,跟四周的背景纹理与隔断保持和谐一致。
Chiang Mai is the origin of Thai ancient massage and spa. The color of typical buildings in Chiang Mai and the lattice structure similar to "tapaimen" red brick are extracted from the ceiling design, which is in harmony with the surrounding background texture and partition.
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As the transition space, the dark red paint used in the entrance pre entry area and aisle space is the typical VI color system of GoodThai, and this color system itself has the inspiration from the red brick of Chiang Mai. In the relatively quiet light, the collision with green plants is more profound and textural.
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统一vi体系下的spa客房标识,金属铭牌搭配水泥灰,尽显古泰一如既往的细节与质感。spa空间内里koko体育app 依然是标志性的古泰形象。
Spa guest room logo under the unified VI system, metal nameplate and cement ash show the details and texture of GoodThai as always. The design in spa space is still the iconic image of GoodThai.
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"Ancient method Aromatherapy", which has always been the main treatment of GoodThai, is highly praised. It is a combination of natural therapy and Thai massage, which makes the body and mind feel relaxed.

Aromatherapy essential oil spa and pure ancient massage are optional service types. Before and after service, you can choose to enjoy a pleasant rest in the bathtub. After spa, mango glutinous rice and fruit are delivered.

Put on your bathrobe and drop the big glass to bring the bustling night scenery and the scenery of Huangqi mountain out of the window. Drink a mouthful of light fragrant rose tea and look down at the prosperous and busy land under your feet from the window, as if you were in an unknown space for time tourists, just enjoy yourself.

项目名称 | 古泰高空SPA(嘉宏振兴大厦店)

Project Name: GoodThai SPA

项目地点 | 广东·东莞·嘉宏振兴大厦

Project Location: JiaHong ZhenXing Building, Dongguan

项目面积 | 210㎡

Project Area:210㎡

koko体育app 单位 | 黄际豪koko体育app

Project Designer: JIHOW Design

施工单位 | 黄际豪koko体育app

Project Constructor: JIHOW Design

软装陈设 | 黄际豪koko体育app

Soft Decoration Design: JIHOW Design

项目摄影 | 刘诚

Project Photographer: Liu Cheng

koko体育app 时间 | 2021.10

Design Time: October 2021

完工时间 | 2022.1

Completion Time: January 2022


巨石新作 | 泰逅,邂逅一个雅贵的自己
巨石新作 | 泰逅,邂逅一个雅贵的自己
巨石空间koko体育app :泰式庭院,古泰品牌再开新店

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