
福州Apple Bar

参考造价:2800万元| 范围:游戏范围| 总面积:1500平够| 访问数:10554
案例简介 Case description
項目名稱:福州Apple Bar

Apple (International) Bar is one of the Noah's Ark Group brands, set sail in 2012, committed to a new way to brand chain theme Arts Bar, with a trendy entertainment concepts and mature management system, after years of development and precipitation , Apple (International) has become the entertainment industry's legendary brands.

Heavily invested ten million, set off a new fashion and entertainment. In all directions, the top honor in the service system for high-end people, upstart family to build a leisure and entertainment temple.

Yi-feng design uphold Apple (International) "quality surplus" brand philosophy, simple European and post-modern performance style combined interpretation of the international forefront nightclub aesthetic style, unique interpretation of the dream texture.
Luxury novel design, form bold out. Superimposed dislocation of post-modern design techniques to create a new majestic aristocratic demeanor. Wall LED screen interpretation of warm luxury, color and form with a pleasing, highlighting the sense of quality. It presents a large field of temperament flowers matrix lighting, sound and light atmosphere following the scene change, showing real-time interactive multimedia;. Fun hyperspace.
The new concept of 3D lighting control systems, implantable site theme party experience. Space stage machinery systems, 3D. Stock interactive somatosensory space technology, creating the perfect fusion of technology and art, create high appreciation of the value of the entertainment territory.


 | 瓯城气韵,海派会所
明德koko体育app | 瓯城气韵,海派会所
 | 保亿华润万象世界中心会所
范可萨koko体育app | 保亿华润万象世界中心会所

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