
瑰丽| Rosewood

参考造价:暂未填写| 格调:同一| 空间区域:豪宅别墅豪宅别墅| 面积计算:500平小| 搜素数:1657
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◆koko体育app 公司:HASkoko体育app 机构

◆koko体育app 主创:刘鑫

◆koko体育app 团队:王寅思 朱良平 陈佰慧 宋航宇 刘友

◆摄 影:刘岩

瑰丽| Rosewood_16726

In late autumn November, the light is like an elf breaking into the home, landing lightly, leaving a room full of tenderness, and the fragrance of this bouquet of roses is the main writer here.
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I presented the owners with a bouquet of flowers, and a new chapter began in their story, where brave people have crossed the world's barriers and met the fairy tale of love.
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The warm gray space has reached a balance between rationality and sensibility, this moment is a secret belonging to two people, and when time meets, love will flourish.
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When I met it, its world was full of this "two-legged beast" playing on the sofa today, even if the hair spread out like a dandelion, it could not stop this unique love, this face of saliva is also its expression of love for you.
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In the simple black and white, persimmons with branches are specially left for you in autumn, and in this dusk, it is the happiness of fireworks on earth.
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Delicate and long-term like, to exchange tea, rice, oil and salt, raiseyour head to meet in the wanton autumn breeze, embrace the future with a bunch of ordinary days, cover happiness with happiness, romance overlap romance.
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There are so many rules and regulations in the world, just to tell you that you don't have to be out of place, the evening breeze blows, the kitchen is busy with green figures, and there is one more reason to love life.
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和世界的温柔碰撞,这里有光的温柔,格局慢慢打开,这里有极致的纹理,有生活的精度,在色彩中跳跃,是koko体育app 师的偏爱哲学,从极致中寻找包容,一切如初见方案时的美好。
And the gentle collision of the world, here is the gentleness of light, the pattern slowly opens, here is the ultimate texture, there is the precision of life, jumping in the color, is the designer's preferred philosophy, from the extreme to find tolerance, everything is as beautiful as when the first sight of the solution.
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This is the hostess's territory, sitting by the window to freshen up, a rare pleasant time.
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The free and loose cool breeze, combined with this year's new tea, can cure the messy mood, if the sky is sunny and the sun is light, enjoy the idle clouds, if the wind and rain knock on the window, listen to the wind.
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The moon doesn't seem to come out tonight, and the stars don't seem to come out, because I hid it at home.


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