
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

参考造价:暂未填写| 房间:洒店房间| 体积:15625每平| 网页浏览数:17299
案例简介 Case description

Yanqing District is located about 75 km north-west of Beijing. It is home to the popular Badaling section of the Great Wall. It is not only rich in historical sites and natural landscape but alsothe outdoor attractions. The district will host the International Horticultural Expo in 2019 and Winter Olympics in 2022. It is a popular destination for all kinds of travelers.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

北京世园凯悦酒店的整体koko体育app ,取之自然,用它自有的山峦、河流、湖泊、禽鸟和花卉元素营造出绿色怡然的起居氛围与情景体验。
Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan is designed to create a green life living, blending into nature in order to obtain the sensation experience of living surrounded by the mountain, river, lake, wild birds and flowers.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

-Entrance Reception Lobby-

酒店大堂就以八达岭长城及山峦为底蕴。大堂两侧的墙面、接待台后的主题背景均采用山岭造型,层峦起伏、绵延无尽,勾勒出山影叠嶂,从室外延展至室内。温暖的木色、柔和的灯光,营造舒适的室内空间,使客人们感受浓郁的度假氛围。在此基调上,用现代风格的koko体育app 手法,配合建筑屋脊的上升方向增加了三个层次,并配合灯带,使得整体空间更加高耸大气;地面使用单一米色大理石的不同完成面-亮面与哑光混搭,既有细节又突出整体感;主题艺术品以山为源,大型吊饰为金属细丝的曲线造型,相互交错,形态恣意奔放;地面自然斑驳色泽的原石与之呼应,加之地面镜像倒影与灯光效果,天然大气。
Lobby design is inspired by the mountain landscape and the Great Wall in Badaling. Using layers and overlapping big slabs of natural marble with lighting effect to create the endless mountain silhouette as a back drop for the reception. A large scale contemporary copper metal mountain sculpture with rain glass drops suspended at the centre of the lobby, echo with the dark natural stone installation art on the floor become a focal point of the entire lobby.The Interior lobby ceiling used 3 different level steps with light trough to enhance the architectural pitch roof design. It made the lobby overall space more towering.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

-Lobby Lounge-

斜屋脊由大堂延展而下,形成更舒适的休闲、静坐空间;地面由温暖的木地板与寓意草地的地毯组合而成;宽大舒适的座椅与沙发满足大小不同的客群;落地灯、杂志架等的koko体育app ,灵感均源于滑雪板、木柴架的原型;阅览室的温暖木质全高书架也以冰雪运动相关的书籍、饰品点缀,阅读桌上的吊灯就像晶莹飞溅起的雪花。既连接起世园会与冬奥会,也突出了延庆的四季皆有景。
Lobby Lounge is inspired by the winter skiing chalet. The wooden ceiling sloping ridge extends from the lobby createda more comfortable leisure and sit-in space for the lounge. The lounge floor finished with natural warm wood and area rugs that resemble grass land. The large comfortable seats and sofas with variable combination of settings accommodated different needs. The floor lamps and magazine racks design are inspired by theskis, snow board and fire wood. There is also a library full of book of winter sports, plants and garden art as well as accessories and displays which all connected to the Winter Olympics, the Horticultural Expo and the beautiful landscape of Yanqing.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

-Conference area-

Staircase design is not just for function,to link up the ballroom floor and the conference rooms’ floor, but a wooden sculpture, it is light and artistic.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

Conference rooms design is flexible with variable combination space. The warm wood veneer wall with natural texture stone floor and artistic style carpet with texture and different shades,created a warm and yet elegant meeting atmosphere.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

-F&B Area-

The all-day dining area is designed withthe theme of “Indoor Garden”. There is a huge flower-colored mosaic wall along the entrance wooden vault ceiling hallway of the restaurant make guests feel like entering the ocean of flowers. Reception counter was made of the ancient tree trunk as the base with abig slab of smooth white marble countertop that created a strong material contrast. It is both modern and natural, forming a bright spot.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

In additional, to use texture glass with dark metal frame partition and doors and outdoor furniture and light fitting completed the indoor green house look. The pergola and green radish climb along the open dining area to continue the world of flowers at the entrance. Using white marble, light wood, fresh and bright, with soft and lively colors upholstery created a warm, fresh and comfortable Dining environment.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
The restaurant like a spring breeze allyear around, warm and pleasant, it allows guests to fully feel the joy and comfort of holiday.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

Chinese Restaurant – Chirping birds and fragrant flowersWith the theme of “Chirping birds and fragrant flowers”, the design approach of the Chinese restaurant is inspired by the local mountain villages. The entrance wall of the Chinese restaurant along the hallway is finished by the traditional Chinese dark grey roof tiles.As soon as you enter the entrance console area, there are the ceiling with partial wooden lattice, the flowers and bird’s mosaic inlay flooring on top of the natural stone floor and the birdcage style lamps casting interesting shadow on the wall, which created the warmth of the local village, prompting people to enter the Chinese restaurant.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
Inside the open dining area, there is a full height cabinet of display of Chinese tea and tea pots as a feature wall. The wall by the window bay also finished with special flowers and birds feature glass to enhance the design theme.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

中餐贵宾室:两间贵宾室风格迥异,一间是浓墨重彩,以中式的屋脊桁架呼应公区的建筑元素,深色的木质地板、大红底色的漆画、仙鹤、古松、红灯笼,古朴而热烈;另一间是舒朗淡雅,精雕细琢的大理石叶状图案的地面与淡绿色的墙面木饰,主墙上的鹅黄色调漆画春意盎然。地上毯、软包与玻璃,家具的精致细节突出贵宾的尊尚 材质的多样性充盈丰满,令贵客宾至如归。
Inside the private dining rooms, the Chinese-style ridge truss echoes the architectural elements of the public area. The exquisite details of the furniture highlight the VIP's respect. The diversity of the materials is rich and fine such as the custom pattern rug, the soft cushion and fine leather upholstery, the texture glass and the custom leaf pattern natural stone floor.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

-Regency Club-

The design of the Hyatt Club is simple, modern and sophisticated. The overall mood is smart and warm. The natural wooden floor and wood stone are the main materials. Using wood truss design on the architectural slope ceiling highlighted the architectural form of the space. The furniture and lamps are more stylish and energetic. The contemporary artwork and carpet design are based on nature and complement the overall hotel style, green life.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店


延庆,四季皆有景,自然资源丰盛。客房koko体育app 旨在令住客‘回归自然’。
Yanqing, is the National Park, with four Seasons stunning Nature. Guestroom is designed to create the living back to nature.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

客房层走道,地毯图案的koko体育app 灵感源自康西草原,使人如踏上青青绿草地;客房门口的小鸟灯,似在跳跃着迎接宾客的到来。
The Guestroom corridor carpet is designed to resemble Kangxi grassland in Yanqing, which makes guests to feel like walking on the grass, back to the nature. By each of the guestroom entrance door, there is a hanging bird -lamp to welcome guests.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
The color scheme inside the room is natural, mainly in beige, brown and different shades of green. Using natural warm wood finish on floors, door and furniture with country style pendant lights created a warm relax resort look.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
结合2019世园会的主题,九种当地的珍贵花卉植物形象构成了近三百间客房的主题墙面。开放的步入式衣帽间及衣柜,令空间更完整大气;浴室与卧室之间的玻璃隔断,最大限度的加大了空间感和通透度。洗手台的koko体育app 恰似一件中式的活动家具,木质的斜向支撑,加上隐藏的照明,轻盈灵巧。
In order to highlight the nature concept and to reflect the Horticultural Expo in 2019, there are 9 different local endangered plants and flowers well selected for different rooms as a focal feature artwork of the room design. Show closet design created a more open and convenient space for the guests. The big window design in the bathroom also allows natural light coming in, to make the room look bigger and brighter. The vanity counter is designed to like a piece of Chinese style loose furniture with 4 oblique wooden legs which make the bathroom look elegant and homey.
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
CL3思联建筑 | 北京世园凯悦酒店

项目名称 | 北京世园凯悦酒店
Project Name | Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan
类别 | 酒店
Category | Hospitality
完成日期 | 2019年4月
Completion Time | April 2019
工地面积 | 15,625m²
Site Area | 15,625 m²
地点 | 中国北京延庆区阜康南路1号院
Location | Beijing, China
客户 | 北京世园投资发展有限责任公司
Client | Beijing Shi Yuan InvestmentDevelopment Co., Ltd
室内koko体育app 公司 | CL3思联建筑koko体育app
Interior Design Firm | CL3 Architects Limited
koko体育app 团队 | 林伟而、温静仪、李文蔚、周婕、朱坚
Design Team | WilliamLim, Joey Wan, Fion Li, Zhou Jie, Zhu Jian
摄影 | 本末堂
Photographer | b+m studio



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