
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源

参考造价:暂未填写| 空間:放松空間| 适用面积:600多平| 浏览网页数:3596
案例简介 Case description
WU Club is a space full of unknowns and uncertainties, in which this is a tangible future. 

定义新潮菜|多元复合的空间 New Chaoshan Cuisine | A Diversified Space
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
吴,坐落于广东汕头的CBD总部大厦,定位多元的新潮菜私密会所,背负着传承潮菜的使命与梦想,一个由餐厅包间/茶室/雪茄房/威士忌吧/影音房构成,打造极具颠覆性的经营理念与空间环境,艾克建筑koko体育app 团队认为,这是餐饮空间的一次革新,似乎在触碰一个可以被感知的梦想。koko体育app 将其设想为现代性的一种能量,以进步观念作为主导,用一种处于暂定状态的规则去营造一种独特的空间状态,空间中所发生的事件才是空间存在的价值。

The project is situated within a building in the CBD of Shantou, Guangdong Province, China. It\'s a new Chaoshan cuisine restaurant & club, which bears the mission of carrying forward Chaoshan cuisine. Composed of private dining rooms, a tea room, a cigar bar, a whisky bar and an audio/video room, it adopts a novel operation concept and provides a unique spatial environment. The design team conceived it as a kind of modern energy and applied an advanced design concept, aiming to create a “tentative” spatial state: the space is endowed with value and defined by what happens in it.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
项目位置 Project location
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
”Architecture is frozen music.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mystery | Light
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
光,在空间中一种是被充当传达物理现象的一种介质,在koko体育app 的思考中,艾克建筑认为光本身就是一直显性的物质,应该作为空间中看得见的主体来呈现,通过光的物质性来传达人的精神世界,神秘、安静、虚幻的情绪因光而涌现。

Light acts as a medium that conveys physical phenomena in the space. The designers accentuated light since it’s a visible substance, and intended to convey the spiritual world through the materiality of light. Light produces a mysterious, tranquil ambience whilst evoking emotions and illusionary effects.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
灯光概念 Light concept
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
Playfulness | Material Expression


The design team adopted a creative and experimental approach to express paint, which is given different hues and textures. Besides, the wooden floor and stone materials form a contrast. The solid and the soft, the cool and the warm, collide yet harmonize with each other. Moreover, elements such as humor, mystery and dream are incorporated into the space.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
材料系统 Materials

Fantasy | Interaction of Reality and Future

未来koko体育app 理解为一种koko体育app 想要去触碰的理想状态。吴,让koko体育app 进入了二次元的精神世界,像极了电影的虚拟世界,是超现实、夸张、抽象的,一种未来感的物质表象,有叙事性,可以通过空间来串联和联系一系列的事件,这是一个有趣和戏剧化的场景。

The design team sees future as an ideal state that we wish to reach. This space brings people into another world, which is like a virtual world in films. It\'s surreal, dramatic and abstract, showing a futurist image. In addition, it\'s storytelling as well. The space connects a series of activities, and forms an interesting and theatrical scene.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
Broken | Deconstructivism

Polygonal planes, slanting structures and ”floating” forms are brought into the space, which challenges established architectural values and releases imagination.

Irregular geometric shapes break with the convention, and indicate an attitude of exploring undefined order and an experiment of achieving self-worth.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
The space is conceived as a broken and void sculpture, which features dramatic expressions and artistic tension.

It\'s sometimes confusing, chaotic yet alluring.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
当电梯门一打开的一瞬间,koko体育app 仿佛要通往另一个时空,金属不锈钢装饰墙面,黑色石板,2.5米*5.2米超大规格的人脸识别系统智能玻璃门,暗黑系的空间让人充满了想要探索的欲望。
As the elevator door opens, people are brought into another world. Walls adorned with metal and stainless steel, black stone slabs, and the 2.5m*5.2m large smart glass door equipped with face recognition system, evoke people’s curiosity to explore the dark-hued space.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
Irregular structures constitute a sculpture-like space. 5.2 meter-high slender passages link up all functional areas. Structures set at staggered heights generate \"floating\" visual effects within the space, and even makes people feel dangerous and distant. The wall paint features metal-like textures, and the ceiling coating looks likes travertine surface, making the space appear surreal.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
雪茄房,是koko体育app 看到的第一个功能性空间,暴露的雪茄房以金属帘为介质,若隐若现,小而精,营造高冷的空间性格,而小尺度的营造目的是制造人与人的紧密性。
The cigar room is the first functional area that comes into sight. It’s indistinctly revealed by a metal curtain, small yet exquisite, with a cool spatial character. It has a small scale, aiming to bring people closer together.

The height of the audio/video room is subtly lowered, to evoke and accentuate people’s emotions. It’s like a small stage, enabling friends to chat and relax in a cozy environment.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
The whiskey bar connects the audio/video room and the outdoor terrace. Reflective stainless steel is utilized to create a symmetric space. The stretched aluminum foam generates strong and unexpected visual experiences. As a part of the whiskey bar, the outdoor terrace offers a perfect place to relax and embrace night breeze.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_

The tea room is used before dining, serving people at the leisure time after a busy day. The design team gave it a cozy, tranquil ambience and simplistic spatial form. Black porous paint finish, smoked wood flooring, as well as blue light, result in a serene tea drinking and communication space.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_

Private dining rooms are characterized by irregular spatial form, which look like a void, full of surprises and uncertainties. Unique structures extend from the passageway to the inner area. The floating art installation on the top resembles a flying saucer, which not only adds playfulness to the space, but also provides lighting for the dining table.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_
抗衡与融合 Collision and Integration

吴是艾克建筑koko体育app 团队在用西方的koko体育app 秩序来建树东方的空间情绪与哲学。曲径通幽,以小见大,张扬且含蓄,一场东西方美学哲学碰撞。
As approaching the project, the design team tried to apply Western design order to create and interpret Oriental spatial qualities and philosophy. Winding passages lead to various serene functional areas, which are dramatic yet restrained. The space incorporates the collision and fusion of Oriental and Western aesthetic philosophies.
WU Club,定义未来的当代桃源_

koko体育app 机构:AD ARCHITECTURE∣艾克建筑koko体育app
总koko体育app 师:谢培河
koko体育app 团队:艾克建筑
VIkoko体育app :林韶斌
建筑面积:600 m2
koko体育app 时间:2020年1月

Project Information
Project Name: WU Club
Client: Ms. Wu
Chief Designer: Xie Peihe
VI Design: Lin Shaobin
Project Location: Shantou, Guangdong
Project Area: 600 m2
Main Materials: Foamed Aluminium, Moorgen Smart System, Metal Net, Rock Slab, Paint, Timber Floor, SIKI Lighting
Design Time: January 2020
Completion Time: July 2020
Photographer: Ouyang Yun
Video: Flight Film
Model: Pang Leiqi


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谢培河新作 | 满投文旅,触碰黑色力量
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