
如墨koko体育app |构建精致美学空间

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案例简介 Case description
奢华之美,在其型、在其质、在其神。坐落于杭州市中心区域上城区的闻潮壹品公寓会所,汲取BVLGARI宝格丽的koko体育app 风格和理念,勾勒大气干练的空间视觉感受为其雍容之型,提炼金玉瓷石等材质肌理为其尊贵之质,融合东西方建筑美学精髓为其华丽之神,打造出现代都市会所室内koko体育app 的又一经典范式。

The beauty of luxury lies in the shape, the quality and the unique charm. Located in Shangcheng District of downtown Hangzhou, The RIVIERA MANSION Apartment Club draws on the BVLGARI’s design style and concept and emerges as a magnificent visual style of the space to show its luxury, and turns the texture of refined materials such as gold, jade, porcelain and stone into splendid quality, and integrates the Chinese and Western architectural aesthetics into its magnificent charm. All efforts bring about a new classic paradigm of the interior design of a modern city club.
会所大堂 Lobby


At the lobby of the club house, a marble background wall jumps into sight, of which the white jade color with high brightness stimulates positive visual impact. The smooth marble texture enriches the change of lines such as thickness, depth and lightness, and looks more resplendent against the light.

In order to enhance the elegant atmosphere, the reception desk is made of Black Marquina marble, which, together with the background wall, creates a harmonious and unified visual experience yet with strong contrast. The wall is accompanied by screens on both sides, of which the wired glasses weave the delicate lines. The outermost side is coupled with modern-style artwork, which lifts the overall spatial style ingeniously and inadvertently. 
背景墙、屏风、艺术品形成了层次分明、主次清晰的布局,由抽象至具体,由自然至人工,情绪在无声间逐渐递进,空间氛围在koko体育app 师的精巧设置下进一步升华。

The lobby embraces a well-arranged layout by deploying the background wall, screens, and artworks in order. From abstract to concrete and natural to artificial, emotions progress gradually in silence, and the designers’ sophisticated arrangements further sublimate the space atmosphere.
瑜伽房Yoga studio

在传统koko体育app 的基础上做了独特的差异化处理。按以往经验看,瑜伽房需要开阔空间,不能添加阻碍人员活动的冗余装饰,并且大部分墙面需要为练功镜预留位置,本身留给koko体育app 师的发挥空间并不多。

Differentiated tactics are exerted to the yoga studio based on a traditional design. 
在该案例中,koko体育app 师独辟蹊径,仅利用简单的木格栅屏风,就促成了一场空间与光影的神奇对话:屏风上的每一条格栅旋转角度均不一样,不规律的造型使阳光照射时反射角度千变万化,留下疏密明暗错落有致的光影,并能在一天之内,随阳光的推移,如万花筒般变幻出令人目眩神迷的动态。建筑语汇在此跳出了常规的koko体育app 范式,在三维的空间、立体的光影、材质的肌理等维度中留下了时间的身影,看似普通的布局下经此一处神来之笔,就呈现出焕丽多姿、美轮美奂的艺术效果。

In this case, the designer takes a unique approach to making use of simple wooden grille screens to foster a magical dialogue between space and light. That means the different rotation angles of the grilles of the screen would help produce ever-changing reflecting light under the sun, leaving light and shadows scattered picturesquely. As the sun moves across the sky, it will dazzle you with the dynamic changes like a kaleidoscope.
健身房 Gym

墙面大面积采用卡其雀眼木饰面,其细腻的蛇皮纹理营造了整体空间素净致雅又不失落落大方的氛围。无需过多冗余装饰,仅以材质肌理表达意境感受,正应和了会所奢华不失内敛、高雅与低调兼蓄的理念,所谓大直若屈、大巧若拙,koko体育app 师的深厚功底由此可见一斑。

A large area of the gym wall is decorated with khaki bird-eye wood panels, of which the delicate snakeskin texture establishes an overall atmosphere of the space that is simple yet elegant and graceful. As a Chinese saying goes that straightness, when extreme, looks crooked, and skills, when superb, looks clumsy, there is no need for redundant ornaments as the artistic conception is conveyed through the texture of the materials. This idea works in concert with the club’s concept that luxury and elegance coexist with restraint and modesty.

The application of mirror stainless steel of the canopy above the treadmill helps broaden the visual boundary, and further extend the entire space vertically, avoiding feeling dull and bored when owners are taking exercises. It takes into account both practical and ornamental values and strikes a perfect balance between the functional requirements and the aesthetic needs of the building.
更衣室Locker room

利用更衣柜定制的金属凹凸板,拓展了空间的立体感,保证了私密性的同时消除了空间的逼仄感。整面马赛克墙是装饰上的亮点,不仅与更衣室的主题氛围相得益彰,更让整体空间在中规中矩的布局中有了意识形态上的灵活变化。为照顾主观感受和体验,梳妆台及台盆都加设了条形灯光,凸显了人性化的koko体育app 理念。

As for both the men's and women's locker rooms, customized metal embossed panels are used to offer a more substantial three-dimensional effect, and protect the privacy while eliminating the narrowness of the space. The mosaic wall, which serves as a highlight of decoration, conforms to the core atmosphere of the locker room, and adds ideological flexibility to the regular layout of the space as well. Concerning the subjective perception of the owners, strip lights are installed on the dressing table and the washbasin, showing the design concept of putting people first.
游泳池Swimming pool


A lot of details are utilized to blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor of the swimming pool. The wall erecting at the end of the pool is adorned with colorful ribbons that are made of various plants in light green, dark green and reddish-brown, which looks distinctive from each other and serves as a unity that exudes strong visual impact as well as a fabulous natural presence. 
两边的夹丝玻璃与水纹镜墙面再次强化了植物墙的视觉主题。淡蓝色天花板采用光纤灯勾勒出宛如银河的图案,与水面的倒影交相辉映,让整个泳池宛如梦幻。徜徉于唯美的泳池里,邂逅粼粼波光、盈盈光芒,感受koko体育app 师描绘出的那份自然与浪漫的情怀。

The visual perception of the plant wall is further reinforced by furnishing the wired glasses on both sides and the rippling mirror walls. The pool looks like a fairyland as the fiber optic lights form the pattern of the Milky Way on the light blue ceiling as if it is greeting its shadow in the water.
通览闻潮壹品公寓会所,koko体育app 师将不同区域的功能与特色以艺术创作为载体表达得淋漓尽致,赋予了不同区域不同的个性,却又难能可贵地保持了整体空间风格的高度统一。

In reviewing the whole RIVIERA MANSION Apartment Club, the designers gave a flawless expression of the functions and characteristics of different areas with artistic creation as the carrier. The approach endows different areas with varied personalities, and more importantly, maintains a high degree of uniformity of the overall space style.
遵循“如无必要,勿增实体”的理念,koko体育app 师追溯室内koko体育app 本源,回归建筑美学初心,摒弃繁冗复杂的元素堆砌,以精准的koko体育app 语言、独特的koko体育app 视角、新奇的koko体育app 思路,充分发挥了空间与建筑、光影、材质、色泽的对话作用,不需一笔一墨,以空间为画布、木石为画笔,传神、真切地刻画出了现代菁英生活的真实写照。

Guided by the concept of “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily,” the designers remained faithful to the original aspiration of design and architectural aesthetics and strived to abandon the overelaborate piling of elements. They gave a full play to the dialogue among space, architecture, light and shades, materials and color by precise design language, unique perspective of design and novel design ideas. The designers took space as canvas and wood and stone as paintbrushes to vividly depict areal portrayal of modern elite life.

koko体育app 机构:RUMO DESIGN 如墨koko体育app
koko体育app 总监:陈晓强、崔北亮
设 计 师:李星星、韩震
项目面积:1625 m2
开 发 商:杭州滨江房产集团股份有限公司、杭州信达地产有限公司
摄 影 师:周志刚、金选民

Project name: Hangzhou RIVIERA MANSION Apartment Club
Location: The intersection of Wenchao Road and Qianjiang Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou
Design firm: RUMO DESIGN
Chief designer: Jason Chen, Henry Cui
Design team: Xingxing Li, Zhen Han
Completion time: December, 2019
Area: 1625 m²
Main materials: Jade, mousse brown marble, mosaictile wall, plant wall, marble tile
Developers: Hangzhou Binjiang Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Cinda Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Photographers: Zhigang Zhou, Xuanmin Jin


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