

参考造价:168万元| 风格特点:现如今简约风| 发展空间:四居及大于| 户型面积:300多平| 挑选数:755
案例简介 Case description
“koko体育app 是一个要生活、而不仅仅是一个生存的工作,生存有很多事情可以做;但koko体育app 会教你该如何生活,这点太美了!”

你如果问我,人们应该如何生活才好呢? 我说,就顺着自然所给的本性活着,像草木虫鱼一样。房屋的koko体育app 也应是如此,从空间出发,从功能出发,从生活出发……
If you ask me, how should people live? I said, live according to the nature given by nature, just like grass, trees, insects and fish. So should the design of houses, starting from space, function and life

The heat in winter is probably the warmest scenery.

Once you start trying to please other people, I feel like you're just grasping at nothing.

生活的色彩与个性在于对自我的理解,koko体育app 所能做的,就是将你所喜爱的自我用空间表达出来。
The color and personality of life lies in the understanding of self. All we can do is to express your favorite self in space.

空间在koko体育app 上摒弃了冗杂的修饰成分,强调美学与实用价值。屋内每一个存在,都是经过细致斟酌后的人性化koko体育app ,值得在今后的生活中被细细品味。
The design of space abandons the miscellaneous decorative elements and emphasizes the aesthetic and practical value. Every existence in the house is a humanized design after careful consideration, which is worth savoring in the future life.

Even in the space of black, white and gray, the tenderness of years can be as always.
The function of the space used in can create happiness and warm people and things, will reconstruct residence relationship, full of love and beauty, home is the meaning of this.

koko体育app 应当向大自然学习,

当代都市人居理念及生活态度愈发注重感受本身,koko体育app 以现代koko体育app 语汇为基础,强调色与形,让所有细节浓缩至美本身,促进人与自然的和谐共处。Contemporary urban living concept and attitude to life more and more attention to itself, we based on the modern design language, color and shape, let all the details to concentrate beauty itself, promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

"In the change of day after day, you can still find all kinds of taste of life and get the pure touch. A beautiful home naturally has everything you want."



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