

参考造价:暂未填写| 空間:运动休闲空間| 绿地面积:200㎡| 浏览记录数:327
案例简介 Case description
项目名称 | 沐希洺

Project Name | MU XI MING

项目面积 | 200m²

Project Area | 200m²

koko体育app 公司 | 上海仓石koko体育app 有限公司

Designed by | Shanghai Cangshi Design Co., Ltd.

主创koko体育app | 邵龙

Master designer | Long Shao (Leo)

参与koko体育app | 林柯群

Participate Designer | Kequn Lin

项目类型 | 休闲娱乐空间

Project Type | Recreation space

灯光koko体育app | 第一舍

Master designer | First house

软装koko体育app | 圣马丁生活美学馆

soft design | St. Martin's Life Aesthetics Museum

摄影 | 邵龙 ,王海华,金文艺

Photographer | Long Shao (Leo) ,Wang Haihua ,Jin Wenyi
光线赋予空间生命语言,它使建筑水泥与人的感性领悟彼此触摸。通过koko体育app ,让空间和自然的关系变得行云流水畅行无阻,丝毫不做作。它让人更懂得koko体育app 师营造这个空间的初衷,每一道光影,像是人和事路过时无意留下的足迹让人能够寻得它的去向。

——Feel Light

Light gives space to life language, which makes building cement and human perceptions touch each other. Through the hands of the designer, the relationship between space and nature becomes smooth and unimpeded, and nothing is done. It makes people understand the original intention of the designer to create this space. Every light and shadow, like the footprint of people and things passing by, makes it possible to find its whereabouts.
——Feel Light
吧台 / Bar counter

镂空的吧台koko体育app 、浅草黄的工作台面以及充满韵律的背景空间,在保持整体和谐的基调上,给空间注入活力,亦加强了人与人的交流。

The hollow bar design, the light yellow grass countertop and the rhythmic background space add vitality to the space while maintaining the overall harmony, and also strengthen the communication between people.

rass countertop and the rhythmic background space add vitality to the space while maintaining the overall harmony, and also strengthen the communication between people.
休息区 / Rest area

休息区的有限空间,koko体育app 师从构件的古堡灰、透明的亚克力茶几,以及充满肌理感的地毯来丰富了软装的细节与层次,圆形的单人椅和配饰既与空间中的圆形镜面相呼应,又中和了方直硬朗的外形。

With limited space in the lounge area, the designer enriches the details and layers of the soft outfit from the castle's castle ash, the transparent acrylic coffee table, and the textured carpet. The round single chair and accessories are both round and round in space. The mirrors echoed and neutralized the straight and tough shape.
娱乐区 / Corner area


The superimposed ladder takes into account the different scales of adult children and sits side by side with the KAWS doll to enjoy the fun of the space.
阶梯艺术 / Stepped Art

将光引入楼梯间的同时,增强了各空间的互动性,在纯净的空间中,koko体育app 可以和自然进行交流。

The introduction of light into the stairwell enhances the interactivity of the spaces, and in a pure space we can communicate with nature.
极简koko体育app / Minimalist design

极简对于koko体育app 师来说,极致的细节是体现koko体育app 水平最重要的元素,Leo非常强调工艺的细微处理,比如不同材质之间的接缝、每个材质的收口等等。

Minimalist For the designer, the ultimate detail is the most important element of the design level. Leo emphasizes the subtle treatment of the craft, such as the seam between different materials, the closing of each material and so on.
空间分割 / Spatial Segmentation


Due to the white space of space, people become the main body of space, and also a space-flowing art.
洗发区 / Shampoo area

整个koko体育app 最大的亮点,可能是将窗外的光和自然景观与室内交互,通过光影随着时间的变化使空间产生丰富的变换,从而实现时空的艺术叠加,这也许就是白色极简最大的魅力。

The biggest highlight of the whole design may be that the light outside the window and the natural landscape interact with the interior. Through the change of light and shadow, the space is richly transformed, and the artistic superposition of time and space is realized. This may be the greatest charm of white minimalism.
玻璃窗艺术 / Glass window art

大面积的无框玻璃窗,不仅实现了空间的轻盈状态,更让整个室内与室外融为一体,呈现出现代极简最扣人心弦的环境美学,艺术在这一瞬间,则更贴近koko体育app 的生活与心灵,如此奇妙的koko体育app ,koko体育app 怎能不爱!

The large-area frameless glass window not only realizes the lightness of the space, but also integrates the whole indoor and outdoor, presenting the most minimal and exciting aesthetic of the environment. At this moment, the art is closer to our life and Heart, such a wonderful design, how can we not love!
空间陈列 / Space display


The coloured acrylics are intertwined, allowing monotonous square spaces to jump instantly and making this space full of ritual.
品牌创始人 / 邵龙

Founder / Long Shao (Leo)

殊荣 | Award

2019-最佳koko体育app BEST100大奖

2019-IAI全球koko体育app 大奖-商业空间优秀奖

2018-APDC亚太室内koko体育app 精英邀请赛 会所大奖

2018-IDS商业空间第一名 优胜奖

2018-香港APDC亚太室内koko体育app 师大赛会所最高奖 至尊奖

2018-华鼎奖商业空间最高奖 金钻奖

2018-红棉奖 商业空间大奖

2018-金堂奖 休闲娱乐 优秀奖

2018-艾特奖 南京赛区 优秀奖

2018-《新设榜》50*50年度创新koko体育app 师

作品刊登《发现koko体育app 》,上海《精品家居》等媒体平台

资质 | Qualifications



以上作品版权归仓石国际所有,koko体育app 乐于分享所有精彩创意,同时敬请您于koko体育app 一同保护知识产权。
品牌联合创始人 / 林柯群

Co-founder / Kequn Lin(Lynn)

殊荣 | Award

2019-Idea Top 艾特奖国际艾特奖年度优越koko体育app 师

2019-Idea Top 国际艾特奖商业空间koko体育app 铜奖

2019-Idea Top 艾特奖国际最佳商业空间koko体育app 优秀奖

2019-40 under 40中国(城市)koko体育app 杰出青年

2018-40 under 40中国(城市)koko体育app 杰出青年

2017-IdeaTop 艾特奖十大新锐koko体育app 师

2017-中国装饰协会中国百强新锐koko体育app 师

2017-IdeaTop 艾特奖国际最佳商业空间大奖

资质 | Qualifications

I C D A国际注册高级室内koko体育app 师

中国建筑装饰协会软装陈设与装配式分会会员koko体育app 师

亚洲照明koko体育app 师协会(AALD)注册会员koko体育app 师

以上作品版权归仓石国际所有,koko体育app 乐于分享所有精彩创意,同时敬请您与koko体育app 一同保护知识产权。


DAS大森koko体育app |龙湖未来之瞳

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