
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家

参考造价:暂未填写| 音乐风格:现如今森系| 范围:房子豪宅别墅| 空间:510每平| 挑选数:4216
案例简介 Case description
软装koko体育app |米洛映象

Project Name|Yujing City Gardern Villa
Project Type|Villa
Soft Outfit Implement | Millo Casa
Project Site | Chenzhou,Hunan
Project Area|510㎡
Completion Time|2020.02
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_

The entrance is decorated with patches of blue and white alternately, outlining the feathers of the bird, like a picture of a hundred birds facing the phoenix, and the golden shelf expresses the luxury.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 入户玄关Hallway


The decoration on the wall is integrated into the color of the living room furniture. The lamps are suspended in the air like clouds and leaves. The black striped carpet is laid out in a simple style. The blue spliced carpet shows the fashionable personality. The sofa is made of black and gray suede material, and the tough black and white coffee table is used. Set off each other. Emerald green tables and chairs are uniquely luxurious and mysterious, and different colors collide with tension and personality.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 客厅Livingroom

餐厅展开的是一个简约精致的空间。环状水晶吊灯在斑斓彩光中折射出简约风格。半透明纱质的窗帘营造出家的温馨感,墙壁上的黑白装饰画体现主人的艺术品位。koko体育app 师将每一寸空间都运用到极致,在进入厨房的转角处打造了酒柜,厨房则铺陈了大量的储物柜,保持视感整洁。

What the restaurant unfolds is a simple and refined space. The ring-shaped crystal chandelier reflects the simple style in the colorful light. The translucent gauze curtains create a warm feeling at home, and the black and white decorative paintings on the walls reflect the master's artistic taste. The designer uses every inch of space to the extreme, creating a wine cabinet at the corner of the kitchen, and the kitchen is laid out with a large number of storage cabinets to keep the visual sense clean.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 餐厨Dininghall&Kitchen


A touch of retro red and pink in the study evokes the vitality of the study. The pink sofa is sleek and cute, and the round lamps are young and fashionable, giving people a long-lasting visual memory. The retro pattern on the desk top and the emerald green color are a match made in heaven, and a group of playful humanoid artworks escape the serious image of the study.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 书房Study

温馨舒适  静享墅居


主卧衣帽间的通体式橱柜、灰色的座椅和木质地板延续了雅致时尚的koko体育app 风格。从审美品位、材质把控、风格定位的选择上,koko体育app 师倾力呈现美好koko体育app ,完美地诠释了客户需要的精神居所。


The master bedroom still continues the personality collocation of gray tones and emerald green. The wooden floor presents a beautiful and authentic living space, the round lamps emit warm yellow light, and the soft carpet is more warm. The translucent gauze curtains inject a bright and flexible feeling into the calm and atmospheric space.

The full-body cabinets, gray seats and wooden floor in the master bedroom cloakroom continue the elegant and fashionable design style. From the choice of aesthetic taste, material control, and style positioning, the designer puts his best in presenting a beautiful design, which perfectly interprets the spiritual residence the customer needs.

A statue of a villain standing on the book seems to blow out golden rings, and the wood-colored background wall restores the authenticity, which is very intriguing. Another noble and mysterious emerald green and geometric elements fusion reveal an abstract beauty that hits the eye and is full of movement.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 主卧套间Masterroom


The children's room uses blue-gray high-class bedding, the white and red stitching sofa is unique, and the round color-blocking carpet gives children a space for fun. The child sleeps with a doll and gradually enters a sweet dream.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 儿童房Children's bedroom

Art installations are everywhere. The silhouette of the elegant lady is filled and covered with geometric shapes, injecting a glimpse of the corridor.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 过道Corridor

其他客房分别选用翡翠绿、灰白色系床品,与住宅整体koko体育app 风格相呼应,延续了主人对高尚轻奢品位的极致追求。

The other guest rooms use emerald green and off-white bedding, which echoes the overall design style of the residence, continuing the owner's ultimate pursuit of noble and light luxury.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 次卧Guest bedroom

·  艺术细节  · 
Art Detail


The plain wood floor, simple black and white cabinets, and geometric decorations are like a tranquil lake independent of the noise. The emerald green chair and the simple coffee table are in harmony. Between talking and laughing, spend leisure time with family and friends,the fragrance of happiness slowly diffuses.
米洛映象 │ 不可多得的墅派生活家_
▲ 多功能室Multi-Funtional Room

【平面koko体育app 图】


米洛映象| 九龙湾联排别墅
米洛映象| 九龙湾联排别墅
米洛映象| 九龙湾独栋别墅
米洛映象| 九龙湾独栋别墅
米洛映象 │御景水郡别墅私宅
米洛映象 │御景水郡别墅私宅

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