

参考造价:50万元| 風格:现在极简风格| 环境空间:三居| 平数:150每平| 查看数:4978
案例简介 Case description
泰纳说:“文学的真正的使命就是使感情成为可见的东西。”其实koko体育app 亦如是。
"The real mission of literature is to make emotions visible," Tyner said In fact, the design is the same.

该项目koko体育app 师运用去繁就简的简约koko体育app 手法,让空间呈现出最舒适的状态,将人与自然、人与空间的对话置于koko体育app 的第一位,减少不必要的装饰,营造自然、灵动、大气、通透的居住空间。
The designers of this project use the simple design method of eliminating the complexity to make the space present the most comfortable state, put the dialogue between human and nature, human and space first in the design, reduce unnecessary decoration, and create a natural, flexible, atmospheric and transparent living space.
▽ 客厅空间,Living room space
这里是一家人交流、娱乐活动、会客和艺术收藏的空间,koko体育app 师用天然材质和极简的线条勾勒出一个自然、轻松愉悦的环境,有利于增进家人之间的感情。
This is a space for family communication, entertainment, visitors and art collection. The designer uses natural materials and simple lines to outline a natural, relaxed and pleasant environment, which is conducive to enhancing the feelings between family members
▽ 主卧空间,Master bedroom space

koko体育app 师摒弃了传统家装卫生koko体育app 的手法,在开放式空间koko体育app 中,卧室、卫生间既保持互通相连,又体现出每个空间的独立性,家人在起居活动中可以更大限度的交流。
In the open space design, the bedrooms and bathrooms not only remain interconnected, but also reflect the independence of each space. Family members can communicate more in their daily activities.
▽ 从卫生间望向主卧空间,From bathroom to master bedroom
▽ 主卧卫生间,Master bathroom

▽ -1F西厨,-1F western kitchen


In ancient times, \"a gentleman is far away from cooking\", and now the social dance music plays in the kitchen. The kitchen is not only a place to provide food for daily life, but also a place to carry the emotional exchange between family and friends, becoming a new social form.
厨房搭配吧台的koko体育app ,满足城市精英的社交需求。桌面大理石与木材的碰撞,在细节彰显出主人的生活态度。
▽ 细节图,Detail drawing
▽ -1F影音室,-1F video room

要如何表现这个空间是koko体育app 师前期在思考的的问题,是形式主义还是功能主义?显然一个仅表现装饰造型的家不是koko体育app 所需要的,需koko体育app 上把客户所需求的功能进行隐性koko体育app ,让这个环境呈现最简洁的状态,这才符合居者对生活空间一丝不苟的追求。自由平面、灰空间的空间组合,凸显居者的个性。追求空间与人的完美互交,通过极简的koko体育app 呈现住宅丰盈而极致的精神内核。
How to express this space is a problem that designers are thinking about in the early stage, is it formalism or functionalism? Obviously, a home that only displays decorative shapes is not what we need. We need to recessive design of the functions required by customers in the design, so that the environment can present the most concise state, which is in line with the meticulous pursuit of the residents for living space. The space combination of free plane and grey space highlights the residents\' personality. The pursuit of perfect interaction between space and people, through the minimalist design, presents the rich and ultimate spiritual core of the house.
\"Grey space\", also known as \"Pan space\". It was first proposed by Japanese architect Kurokawa Jizhang. \"Grey space\" refers to color on the one hand, and transition space between indoor and outdoor on the other hand. In a sense, space becomes the extension of emotion and the container of reason and sensibility. From a rational point of view, with perceptual interpretation, the final presentation of the exquisite and fascinating visual effect.
▽ 细节图,Detail drawing
▽ 衣帽间,Cloakroom
▽ 细节图,Detail drawing
▽ 室外花园,Outdoor garden


乐卓空间 | 鼓悦蘭园125m²现代简约
乐卓空间 | 鼓悦蘭园125m²现代简约

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