

参考造价:2600万元| 办公区域:国际酒店办公区域| 使用面积:8000多平方米| 打开网页数:10815
案例简介 Case description
说到酒店就不得不想到斯塔特勒的金句:“Life is service, 人生即服务,谁给他人的服务多一点,好一点,谁就走在前面”。它是驿站,更是现代生活中不可或缺的一部分。

酒店是一个综合性服务设施,一个社交平台,更是一种艺术作品。服务之外,好的koko体育app 会为让旅客的体验感有锦上添花之意。

项目名称 | 东兴国际大酒店
项目地点 | 中国 湖北
koko体育app 单位 | 序美koko体育app 事务所
主案koko体育app | 封云天
施工单位 | 湖北中进建设工程有限公司
总造价 | 8000㎡ / 2600万
酒店定位 —— 城市文化精品酒店

结合项目定位,koko体育app 意在打造一家文化精品商务酒店,在周边快捷商务酒店趋向同质化的环境下,一个富有城市文化底蕴的酒店,在满足商务配套服务的同时,以城市文化体验为主题特色的酒店肯定能够形成独到的竞争力。

To create a cultural boutique business hotel, in thesurrounding fast business hotel tend to homogenization of the environment, arich city cultural precipitation of the hotel will form a feature, to meet thebusiness support services at the same time, to the city cultural experience asthe theme of the hotel Certainly able to form a unique competitiveness.

The hotel has a total construction area of 8000 squaremeters, and high-end dining,cultural theme hotel and other functions as a whole, with comfortablerooms 100 and suites. Small and medium-sized dining and parties canalso be accommodated in the hotel. For the surrounding areas toprovide accommodation and catering services.
在都市的繁华下寻找一种宁静,以矶头山与长江为背景打造都市里的田园背景,“悠然见山水”。新中式koko体育app 为首选,山水石等自然元素,对称手法运用,禅意软装饰品的搭配,各得其所,都是点睛之笔。

In the bustling city to find a quiet, to the mountainand the Yangtze River to build the background of the pastoral garden in thebackground, "leisurely see the landscape". New Chinese style design is the first choice. Natural elements such as landscape and stone, symmetrical techniques and Zen soft decorations are all the finishing touches.

PerfectionZhirou water; aqueous rain, thick, micro is silent, the giant raging; andnon-confrontational but hold everything. The landscape painting is printed on the glass and inlaid in the hollow partition made of metal stainless steel. The hidden beauty is beautiful.

The rest area of the hotel hall, peacock blue solid wood VELVET SOFA, Chinese floor lamp combination, cascading bamboo element freehand background glass curtain wall, this perspective looks a little bit at the artistic conception of "Daming Palace Ci" starred by Zhou Xun, which is quite interesting, but it also presents the modern elements of new Orientalism.

The choice of decorative painting also echoes with the rose gold stainless steel hollow partition, and collides with the peacock blue seat to create a charming visual effect.

The dining bar wall of the cafeteria is made of frosted glass, and the light belt is rendered, just like the stars in the sky.

There is not too much decoration in the private room. Simple flower and bird murals and pure leather soft wrapped walls set off the secularity and elegance of the private space. Light from the window, the long light and shadow, the contrast of light and shade, sparse and scattered to blend into a dry landscape painting, a kind of warm feeling at home.

The elevator hall leading to the guest room is also full of interesting ornaments, adding the charm of the space and full of vitality.
东方民族是极具感性的,“一花一世界,一叶一菩提”的意境之美才是koko体育app 师的本来用意。标准间简约大气,温暖质朴,给旅途中的你一个安心的栖息之处。

Sensibility is a unique attribute of oriental nation. The beauty of artistic conception of "one flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi" is the original intention of designers. The standard room is simple and atmosphere, warm and simple, giving you a place to rest at ease during the journey.
在豪华套房的koko体育app 中,保持极简的koko体育app 调性,白色,米黄,深棕为主色调。床头背景墙运用银杏叶元素软包,柔和的灯光下显得格外肃静典雅。

In the design of luxury suite, keep the simple design tone, white, beige, dark brown as the main color. The bedside background wall uses the element soft bag of ginkgo leaf, quiet and elegant in soft light .


于强koko体育app 丨南京归来兮桠溪庄园酒店
布道  M CUBE HOTEL 觅酒店

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