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道胜koko体育app 评为2021为法国凡尔赛钢结构建筑勋章奖 | 道胜勋章

  • 道胜koko体育app 荣获2021法国凡尔赛建筑大奖 | 道胜荣誉
  • 2021-12-03 16:39     来源: koko体育app 本     浏览量:2790

荣获2021法国凡尔赛建筑大奖 | 道胜荣誉

近日,由联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)和国际建筑师联盟(UIA)联合颁发的法国凡尔赛建筑koko体育app 大奖公布了2021年度分赛区获奖名单,由道胜所koko体育app 的优异百晟花苑商务会所评选为2021 中亚和东北方向亚海选餐厅的koko体育app 尤为奖。

ꦚRecently, the French Versailles Architectural Design Award jointly issued by UNESCO and the International Union of Architects (UIA) announced the winners of the 2021 sub competition area. The Flow of Ecstatic designed by DAOSHENG DESIGN won the 2021 special award for restaurant design in central and Northeast Asia.

该大奖著称建筑物界的“奧运会”,道胜所koko体育app 的电视剧在各国排名6大分海选 (非州和西亚中南部;中国与美国、南美和加勒比中南部;中美洲中南部;中亚和东三省亚中南部;南亚和太平镇洋中南部;欧洲国家中南部),7俩分分海选的选拔任用中取胜,评为各国排名总预赛名单公示。 

🌳The award is known as the "Olympic Games" in the construction industry. The works designed by Daosheng Design stand out from the selection of 72 sub competition areas in 6 global competition areas (Africa and West Asia, North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean, Central Asia and Northeast Asia, South Asia and the Pacific, Europe) and are selected into the global finals list.


𒆙The final global award will be selected by an independent jury and presented at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

2023年英国凡尔赛koko体育app 奖

The Prix Versailles 2021

火锅店koko体育app 尤其奖

Special prize Interior

无所谓是舞龙中故意灵韵的边框,都是山河所表出现出的自然环境纹理、纹路,都含有另外一种的流动之美。家居koko体育app 师

将其选用于吊顶天花koko体育app 结够上,借助竹片营造留水纹理图片之状,基本特征宛转还是游动性,有了静极思动之势。恍若国内 的草书,狂乱中携带漂亮,这达到一般的koko体育app 结够,不仅仅为游玩领域造成 自动间还是游动性旋律,深化体制改革房间的高级工程师肌理效果,也让大家成果不易意料之中的意外。

𝐆Whether the artificially flexible lines in dragon dancing or the natural texture of mountains and rivers, they all have a flowing beauty. Designers apply it to the smallpox structure, using bamboo sheets to create flowing water texture, graceful flow of shape, has the potential of quiet thinking. Like Chinese cursive scripts, there is beauty in the frenzy, which breaks through the conventional structure. It not only brings the rhythm of natural flow to entertainment places, deepens the high quality of space, but also brings unpredictable surprises to the sight.

相对于北京凡尔赛koko体育app 奖

About The Prix Versailles 


西班牙凡尔赛建筑koko体育app 材料奖(The Prix Versailles)成立于202007年,由聯合国教科文机构(UNESCO)和全球建筑koko体育app 材料师大联盟(UIA)聯合颁奖仪式。

🅺凡尔赛搭建奖意在褒奖最佳的业务搭建,有的是个面向基层专卖店、购买化妆品基地、饭店和饭店类搭建的全生活性羽毛球赛事预告,座谈会生活各个地区的业务搭建大型项目,以推进文化课与国家经济活動的成功率交流电与互动营销。3年1吨水的羽毛球赛事预告共设置成了四参赛者搭建行业类型涵盖了:专卖店 Shops & Stores、购买化妆品基地 Shopping Malls、饭店 Hotels、饭店 Restaurants。

ꦫThe Prix Versailles was founded in 2015 and awarded jointly by UNESCO and the International Union of Architects (UIA).

ꩵVersailles architecture award aims to commend excellent commercial buildings. It is a global event for shops, shopping centers, hotels and restaurants. It recognizes commercial construction projects all over the world to promote the successful exchange and interaction of cultural and economic activities. The annual event has four participating building categories, including shops & stores, shopping malls, hotels and restaurants.

2020法国的凡尔赛koko体育app 部份拿奖画集鉴析

The Prix Versailles 2020

△天津大兴國際高铁站/ Zaha Hadid Architects,中国国家天津

△卡塔尔国家物馆/Koichi Takada Architects ,多哈,卡塔尔

△The Looking Glass / UNStudio,阿姆斯特丹,丹麦



△The Exchange / 隈研吾工程重生都市koko体育app 行政监察所 ,美国悉尼

🍨△新增坡樟宜时代国际火车站 / Safdie Architects / Benoy / RSP Architects ,新增坡


△京都安缦 /Kerry Hill Architects ,日本这个国家




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